White magic spell chants..
Note: This magic spell cannot be turned and there is no magic spell chants that will rebind the person once unbound. Their power will come back; their body will be free. I would not try to make a spell to undo this; there is no spell which will achieve this and people that tried have been bound themselves as a
result. It should also be noted that this magic spell chants does not help those who become bound as a result of trying to break it.

Two White candles
Two Black candles

Take the person that is bound and place him or her on his or her back looking up. Place the two black candles at his feet and the two whites at his head. Light them and then start the spell.

I call on the gods and goddesses of the old days
as well of those of the new.
Break this spell that they call a binding with your power.
Gods of light move about this man or woman's body.
Allow your power to break the holds on him or her.
Goddesses come down and wake his or her body.
Allow the power that you have given this person to be woken.
I call on the East gate.
Break the binding spell that was placed on this person.
Let it be removed for good.
Do not allow a spell of binding be placed on he or she that is before me.

Place your hands to his or her chest and speak once more

Spell Continues:
Gods and Goddesses and the East gate,
help me within my workings.
Allow your power to move within my hands
and allow the binding that was put upon my friend
to be removed and never to come within him again
may he live or die.
I call on the element of the East, the element of water,
to fill these hands and move within this body
to allow the walls that hold him or her fall.
I call on the gate of the West, the gate of fire,
come forth and burn these walls that hold him or her from awaking
and burn the walls that hold back his or her power.
I call on the gate of the South, break the walls down with your power
so my friend may awaken as well his power.
I call on the gate to the North
to come and let the winds move air within my friend's body.
Unlock the binding that was placed on my friend
and awaken his or her power and body to never be locked again.

Move your hands down the sides of his or her body and say this.

Magic Spell Chants Continues:
O great gods and goddesses
and the gates that hold the elements within,
Send your power within my hands
and break free my friend from this binding.
I call on my friend; within your walls,
break that which holds you.
Open your body to my power and break the walls that hold you.
Come to me, my friend.
O great gods and goddesses,
do not allow the binding to work on this person any longer.
The power of both sides, of the Light and Dark,
Your onus is broken and you are free once more.
As the day and night,
so shall you be of both this day, and not just one.

Back away once getting to his feet and dot move close tell
you see the light of light come over him or her and then the
light of Dark come over him then see his eyes move little.
Then you may go to him or her to hold and help him.
Magic Spell Chants..


White Magic Spell Chants

You will need:
  • Spring flowers such as daffodils. Small bunch and preferably freshly picked.
  • White Candle
  • Lovers Tarot Card
  • Lavender Incense

This is is a very simple free spell and will not take much experience to perform but obviously it
will become more powerful as your skills develop.

So, what you need to do is:

Arrange the flowers in water and place on your workspace and say:
“Blossom of spring
I pray that you bring
Love to make my heart joyful”

Now light your lavender incense and say:
“Air of life
You know who he be
Whisper his presence to me”

Now you need to place your tarot card in front on you and focus on the image of the lovers and
visualise this happiness that love will bring to you. Light the candle in honour of the Goddess of
love, Aphrodite.

“O Gods and Goddesses of eternal wisdom
I come to you to ask of your powers
That you can send me a love of special worth and joy
Let him be known to me that I might make this happen

Aphrodite I pray to you to make him true and loving
And bless him with all the temperaments that you know to be right for me
Mote it be!”

Let these thoughts and desires fill your head as you watch the candle and can smell the incense. Let this sense of occasion and excitement surround you channel this energy through to the universe. When you feel that you are at one, you may hand over your trust and allow the higher powers to do your bidding!
White Magic Spell Chants



White Magic Spell Chants
You will need a globe to represent the moon so a crystal ball is perfect for this. However, if this
isn’t practical then you can use a crystal tumblestone. Something like snow quartz is absolutely
perfect for this due to it’s lovely, pure white colour. You will also need some mineral water and a
bowl, cauldron or chalice big enough to hold the globe or crystal. Fill this with the mineral water.

Take the globe in the palm of your hand and say:
I seek to hold the power of the moon in my hand
And draw its energy to me.

Place the globe in the water and say:
I see you within the water, both in representation and in reflection
I ask that you share your benevolent power with me tonight
And grant my wish.

Take a moment to see the moon’s reflection.

With the gift of your power granted and placed within the water
I accept and thank you for the honour of your visit tonight

Now sprinkle the moon water around you while visualising your wish:
I am surrounded and blessed by your gift to me
And ask that my wish is fulfilled.

Now speak your wish out loud and once again, thank the moon for sharing such a precious gift with you.
White Magic Spell Chants

Witchcraft Wiccan spells,

White Magic Spells Chants...
Witchcraft Wiccan Spells,

There is a wonderful magic within me
My eyes are the reflection of the magical world inside of me.
There is a magical world in my soul.
When I touch my face I feel the glow.
When you're done, say:
I will love, honour and respect my magical soul,
spirit, body and me,
By the power of three times three
As I do will, so mote it be.

Meditation and Healing

White Magic Spell Chants

Meditation and Healing

I will become calm, anxiety will fade away,
a wonderful inner confidence will overcome my doubts
and set me free to live my life the way I really want to.


The Beauty Way Magic Ritual

The Beauty Way Magic Ritual

This ritual is a non-denominational set of exercises from very ancient times, which has many magical purposes, including:

* Restore personal power
* Develop a practical working relationship with higher powers and beings or natural forces and laws
* Be safe and protected without the need to build walls or hide behind masks.
* Maintain spiritual integrity for individuals or groups during times of high external change and stress.

How to Do the Beauty Way Magic Exit Ritual
One of the most common forms of the Beauty Way is called the Exit Ritual. You do the Exit Ritual every time you leave an enclosed space, like your car or your house. Here's how you do the ritual.

1. Put your focus up into the sky and say aloud, "Sky Above" or "Sky Father." (Note: the reason we extend our focus first is that the exit ritual is a form of asking favor from powers and beings, so it is appropriate that we go to them rather than asking them to come to us. In ritual, when we have carefully prepared sacred space, we can then invite them in and then bid them farewell).

2. Keeping the awareness up above, extend your focus into the earth and say aloud, "And Earth Below" or "And Earth Mother."

3. Then, keeping awareness of both above and below, say aloud, "I Greet You."

4. Wait a moment and see what happens. Be alert for acknowledgment or response in one of these three ways:
* From within you, such as a realization, a change of attitude or belief, a new awareness.
* Changes in your environment, such as a sudden breeze, a change in the color of the sky, a bird or animal suddenly appearing, or a tree or shrub suddenly becoming vividly visible.
* A response from Sky and/or Earth: a special message for you, an answer to a question, or guidance and new directions.

5. What happens may happen in just that moment, or it may happen throughout the day. It may change the quality of our day, our awareness ... whatever we notice.

6. You may also want to use hand gestures. Arms raised in a upward facing V for "Sky Father" and arms down in a downward facing V for "Earth Mother."

White Magic Spells Chants..


Wonderful Inner Confidence

White Magic Spell Chants

Wonderful Inner Confidence

Move your index finger over your computer screen to blend the energies.say:

"Grant this desired wish to me, with your power and your love,
let it be three times three!
By the powers of air, fire, water and earth, I release this spell. I ask the Goddess for help this day.
With harm to none, this spell be done."

This Peace and Confidence wish spell is now activated for you on this page.
Working for you 24 hours every day … non – stop.
It will be carrying your spells energies out into the universe, calling for this wish to come true.

The Spell

Spell of Inner confidence empower me.
I will be calm, my anxiety shall be gone.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it is gone past I will turn my inner eye to see its path.

From where the worry has gone there will be confidence.
Only confidence will remain.

Spell clear me of all negative and anxiety causing impurities.
As I breathe in let me feel a wonderful Inner confidence empower me.
As I breathe out let any anxieties and low self esteem leave my body with my breath.

Inner confidence empower me,
Allowing me to be my true self.

Now may my perfect path appear to me,
No longer shall I be held back by worry.
I shall live each day with calmness and confidence.

My life will in freedom be,
Free to live my life the way I really want to.

So shall it be.

White Magic Spells Chants..
